for simplicity, Gap is a range of archived redo logs that were created at a time when the standby database was not available to receive them.
in many pratices it happen because the network problems.
We have 3 method to resolving this problem. i'll dispatch it to two main methods,
- Manually resolving
- Automatic resolving : Using log switched and FAL configuration
1. start with detecting gaps in the redo logs by querying the v$archive_gap
2. issue following statement on primary database to locate the archived redo log files. assuming
the local archive destination on primary is LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1
5. register that archived log files on standby database
now you figure it out, that your archived log files (ARCLs) has been synchronize with your primary database. as a DBA you must take a notice at log using this SQL statement
hope it will make your day easier.
Best Regards,
Dev Yudh
SQL> select * from v$archive_gap;
thread# low_sequence# high_sequence#the output indicates our standby database is currently missing log files from sequence 30 to
-------- ---------------- ------------------
1 30 34
2. issue following statement on primary database to locate the archived redo log files. assuming
the local archive destination on primary is LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1
SQL> select name from v$archived_log where thread#=1 and dest_id=1 and sequence# between 30 and 34;
/u02/oraarchive/DB01/arch_t1_s34.dbf3. stop the automatic recovery (MRP) of the data guard
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel;4. transfer manually the archived log files shown on the step 2 to standby database
5. register that archived log files on standby database
SQL> alter database register logfile '/u02/oraarchive/DB01/arch_t1_s30.dbf';
SQL> alter database register logfile '/u02/oraarchive/DB01/arch_t1_s31.dbf';
SQL> alter database register logfile '/u02/oraarchive/DB01/arch_t1_s32.dbf';
SQL> alter database register logfile '/u02/oraarchive/DB01/arch_t1_s33.dbf';
SQL> alter database register logfile '/u02/oraarchive/DB01/arch_t1_s34.dbf';6. put the standby database into automatic recovery managed mode
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;7. verify that the gap gets resolved on standby database
SQL> select sequence#, applied from v$archived_log order by sequence#;
now you figure it out, that your archived log files (ARCLs) has been synchronize with your primary database. as a DBA you must take a notice at log using this SQL statement
SQL> select message from v$dataguard_status where severity like 'Warning';also on your alert.log
hope it will make your day easier.
Best Regards,
Dev Yudh
Thanks, pretty simple and straight forward.
ReplyDeleteVery good post. Thanks for sharing!!